Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Real Estate Mom Post #1

I will start with a little background about myself as a basis for this blog. I turned 35 this year and have been in Real Estate as a licensed agent for 7 years. After graduating from college I struggled for several years trying to figure out what would make me happy in a career. After my first child was born 8 years ago it became clear to me that sitting in a cubicle making sales calls was not the right choice for me or my family. Who wants to ask permission to take a sick child to the doctor or vacation days when there is not school. Not to mention the three hour window of time you have to spend with your child between work and bedtime. Well one year of that and I was done.

To enter into Real Estate and leave a salary job is not without risk or sacrifice. Our family sold our first home so we would not have the mortgage pressure and me in a 100% commission career. It was scary, but I was super excited. Looking back I know I accomplished some pretty remarkable feats that first year and feel a lot of it had to do with my attitude of failure was not an option. My husband was supportive then and a great help now.

When interviewing brokerages I was asked a similar question that I get from agents today. Then the question was prefaced by the demands of a real estate sales schedule and how will I balance the family with the job. Sometimes it was more implied than asked. Now it is asked, by agents in my office and agents I have transactions with. Inevitably they see me tote my 3 kids (ages 8, 4, and 2) in the office or hear them screaming in the background when I am on the phone. When they ask me how I do this with small kids my answer is simple..."How can I not?" I can be at home before and after the school bus, they do not have to be in child care 40 or more hours per week and I do not have to ask permission to spend time with them when they are sick or if I just feel like being their Mom for the day.

I am a happy Mom and a better Mom along with being a successful agent because I love what I do. Being successful kids, family or neither is all about setting goals and a manageable schedule. My clients know I have children and I assure them that I always have time for their call or I would not answer it. I let them know that they hear my children in the background when on a call but that in no way is that a problem for me if is is not for them. I can appreciate my clients crazy schedule with kids, family and work and feel that it makes me a better agent.